This is so going in my blog!

Tror jag garvar ihjäl mig! Jag och Jennifer har suttit och skrivit Barney citat till varandra på Facebook. Barney är verkligen den härligaste jäkeln i världen! (Nåja, det fictiva världen eftersom han är en karaktär i How I Met Your Mother).

Härliga Barney citat kommer här;

Suit up!

It's gonna be legen... wait for it... dary!

Have you met Ted ?

When I get sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead.

[talking about how easy it is to run a marathon] Step 1: You start running. There is no Step 2.

This is so going in my blog!

You are forcing me to be the voice of reason. And that’s not a good look for me!

Ted Mosby: Barney...
Barney Stinson: This is not Barney, although I hear that guy's awesome.

Aochie in my mouth!

Wad up?

Ashlee: I'm Ashlee, with two E's.
Barney Stinson: Please. Two C's at most.

How's not playing lazertag? 'Cause playing lazertag is awesome!

Barney Stinson: C-? What are you talking about? I pulled an all-nighter.
Professor Lewis: You didn't budget your time well. You glossed over some of the most important points. And your oral presentation was sloppy and inconclusive

We're building an igloo in central park. Snow suit up!

Ted: Hey Barney, see that girl?
Barney: Oh yeeeahh, you just KNOW she likes it dirty. Go say 'Hi'.

För övrigt fixade Timmy PhotoShop åt mig så snart fixar jag till bloggen. Först blir det middag och mys!