Shonda Rhimes förklarar...

Efter det fruktansvärda avsnittet som Grey's Anatomy slutade sin säsong med så har skaparen Shonda Rhimes släppt en pressrealese där hon förklarar ödet för två av karaktärerna. Jag svartmarkerar texten så att ni som ännu inte sett avsnittet inte råkar läsa något ni inte borde.
Till er som har sett avsnittet men som inte vill veta spoilers för nästa säsong tänk er för innan ni läser vidare!

"Okay. Callie said it best tonight: Life changes in an instant. Turns on a dime.

This finale was incredibly hard to write. I did not enjoy it. It made me sick and it made me sad. We end the season not knowing ANYTHING about the future. Except for two things. We know we are definitely saying goodbye to two of my favorite people: Chyler Leigh (Lexie) and Kim Raver (Teddy).

I know this season's finale had some surprises for viewers and the exit of Kim Raver was one of the big ones. But Kim's series option was up and she was ready to give Teddy Altman a much-needed vacation. It's been a pleasure working with someone as talented and funny and kind as Kim; everyone is going to miss her terribly. I like to imagine that Teddy is still out there in the Grey's Anatomy universe, running Army Medical Command and building a new life.

I love Chyler and I love the character of Lexie Grey. She was an important member of my Grey's family. This was not an easy decision. But it was a decision that Chyler and I came to together. We had a lot of thoughtful discussion about it and ultimately we both decided this was the right time for her character's journey to end. As far as I'm concerned Chyler will always remain a part of the Shondaland family and I can't wait to work with her again in the future.

I'd write more but I'm honestly too sad. I don't like life changing in an instant and turning on a dime."


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